In the event that a comprehensive assessment is recommended and you elect to continue, Dr. Levy will work with you to develop an
individualized assessment protocol based on the types of behaviors that have been observed. Elements of a comprehensive protocol may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Caregiver interview
Child interview
School Observation
Teacher/daycare provider interview
Standardized child assessment tools
Standardized assessment of intellectual abilities
Standardized assessment of academic abilities
Standardized assessment of fine and gross motor
Assessment of visual processing
Assessment of auditory processing
Assessment of working memory (both visual and auditory)
Assessment of executive functioning
Assessment of visual-motor functioning
Assessment of sensory processing
Assessment of self-regulation
Parent rating scales
Teacher rating scales
In all aspects of her evaluations, Dr. Levy is committed to providing families with the most current research-based care available. She will collaborate closely with you to
achieve peace of mind.